Tavistock Institute documents: 674; 676-677; 679; 681; 685; 694; 696-699

Part of:
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
  • Archives and manuscripts

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File 1 of 2:

Doc no. 674: "A Refrigerator Manufacturer as a Recommender of Blue Band Margarine: a comparative study of two commercial films".

Doc no. 675: "Interim Report on Psychological Study of Guinness in Ireland".

Doc no. 676: F. E. Emery, M. Foster, "The Making of Gravy: a pilot study".

Doc no. 677: "A Note on Technical Claims in Petrol and Oil Advertising".

Doc no. 679: "Some Sociological and Psychological Factors Bearing on the Market for BP Products".

Doc no. 681: F. E. Emery, "A Simple Feedback between those who view TV Commercials and those who create them".

File 2 of 2:

Doc no. 685: Douglas Hooper, "A Follow-up Survey of the Platformer Unit at Stanlow Refinery, Shell Refining Co Ltd".

Doc no. 694: F. E. Emery, M. Foster, "Report on Preliminary Exploration of Use of Tonics".

Doc no. 695: E. L. Trist, "The Growth of the Tavistock Institute with Special Reference to the Period Immediately Following World War II".

Doc no. 697: "Interim Report on the Study of Detergents and Washing Clothes".

Doc no. 698: Robin Higgins, "A Note on Some Ways for Measuring How the Body Surface is Perceived".

Doc no. 699: "Personal and Household Care: The identification of social and psychological trends among consumers".



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1 file (in 2 parts)


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