IOR records: 903-906; 914; 916; 932-933

Part of:
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


File 1 of 2:

IOR 903: Alan Sutton, "The West Berkshire Structure Plan: A Matrix method for Maintaining Internal Consistency".

IOR 904R: John Friend and Allen Hickling, "Research Project: The Development Plan System, Public Investment Programmes, and the Strategic Infrastructure".

IOR 905: M.E. Morris, "An Annotated Bibliography of Research into the Elderly".

IOR 906: J.H. Cheshire, J.K. Friend, J. de B. Pollard, J. Stringer, A.J. Surrey, "Energy Policy in Britain: A Case Study of Adaptation and Change in a Policy System".

IOR 904: "Proposal for the Medical Commissioning, Staffing and Management for the Beach Hospital, Abu Dhabi".

IOR 916: "Wastage and recruitment of Community Nurses - Results of Sample Survey".

File 2 of 2:

IOR 932: Alan Sutton, Allen Hickling, John Friend, "The Analysis of Policy Options in Structure Plan Preparation: The Strategic Choice Approach".

IOR 933: E.D. Melvin, H.C. Wiseman, "The Influence of Central Agencies of Health Priorities".



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1 file (in 2 parts)


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    Closed stores

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