2T records: 2T526-2T536 [missing 2T527-2T528; 2T532-2T533]

Part of:
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


File 1 of 2:

2T526 [COOR/129]: Hugh Murray, "Notes on the Selection of NCB Scholars".

2T527 [COOR/130]: John Friend, Michael Norris, "Planners Agriculture and Countryside Conservation".

2T528: Frank A. Heller, "Reality and Illusion in Senior Executive Decision Making".

Elliot Stern, Jill Turbin, "Youth employment and unemployment in rural England: Report of a one year pilot study in four rural areas for the development commission".

2T530: Elliot Stern, Richard Holti, "Distance Working in Urban and Rural Settings: Conclusions and Recommendations for Action".

2T531: Harold Bridger, "Performance Appraisal and Appraisal of Potential".

File 2 of 2:

2T534: Michael Norris, John McQueeney, "Recruitment, Selection and Appointment at Short Brothers plc in Monitoring Period 3: Final Report to the Fair Employment Agency for Northern Ireland".

2T535: Elliot Stern, "Evaluation Strategies for Local Economic and Employment Development: Paper prepared as part of the EEC Action Research Programme for Local Economic and Employment Development".

Working Papers of TIHR in connection with the report on "Recruitment, Selection and Appointment at Short Brothers plc in Monitoring Period 3".



Physical description

1 file (in 2 parts)


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    Closed stores

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